
今回、カルフのデザインチームは、「Moominpappa at Sea(ムーミンパパ海へ行く)」の物語から着想を得て、「Fusion 2.0」と「Aria 95」の新しいカラーリングを発表しました。
FUSION 2.0は、物語の中でムーミン一家が新しい家を見つけるために航海する様子をイメージしました。移り変わる海の姿をカラーリングで表現しています。ARIAは、ムーミン一家が冒険の末たどり着く、ロックアイランドの灯台をイメージしました。夜明けの空や雪まじりの水滴を表現した色調で、メッシュ素材によるクラシックな雰囲気も特徴的です。

KARHU x Moominコラボレーションは、2月4日(金)より、KARHU.COM、ヘルシンキ(フィンランド)とヴェローナ(イタリア)の両カルフコンセプトストア、および世界各国の一部小売店で販売されます。

The Moomins are the central characters in a series of books and a comic strip by Swedish-Finn illustrator and writer Tove Jansson, originally published in Swedish by Schildts in Finland. They are a family of trolls who are white and roundish, with large snouts. The carefree and adventurous family lives in their house in Moominvalley, though in the past their temporary residences have included a lighthouse and a theatre. They have many adventures along with their various friends.
Tove Jansson is a Swedish-speaking Finn who enjoyed a diverse career as an author, painter, graphic artist, and cartoonist. Made famous as the creator of the Moomins, Jansson is the most widely read Finnish author abroad. Her books have been translated into over fifty languages and hold a special place in the hearts of both children and adults worldwide.
In sizes 35-49
The Fusion 2.0 is a salute to the original Karhu ‘Fusion’ model from 1996 when it was the top running shoe in the collection. To bring back the ‘Fusion’ from the archives, Karhu reworked the model with its original designer and launched it as the Fusion 2.0.
In sizes 35-49
The Aria 95 featured two technological innovations in running footwear: an internal carbon fiber fulcrum in the midsole for a smooth transition, and a mono tongue upper construction for added comfort. This iconic 90s Karhu model is an easy to wear and comfortable shoe and remains an integral part of the SS22 Karhu Legend collection.